
Please note the following when considering conducting shops while travelling.

Are you interested in performing an evaluation on your next trip or vacation?

You are welcome to submit requests for assignments anywhere, but we do not allow self-assign beyond a specific mileage set for each shop (typically no more than 150 miles. We are also hesitant to schedule shoppers who are travelling a longer distance or whom are looking to complete shops on a trip unless they have previously demonstrated an ability to do so in a manner that meets all requirements and expectations. Here are the eligibility requirements to complete an assignment outside your local area:

  • You must have at least 6 months experience completing mystery shopping assignments. Shoppers with previous experience with our company conducting shops on trips are given more consideration.
  • You must have reliable access to the Internet while on a trip that will enable you to submit the results of your visit via the online evaluation form on our website within 24 hours of visiting the facility. We do not provide extensions due to travelling. Our clients still expect the report in 48 hours. NO exceptions.
  • You also must have access to a camera phone, digital camera or scanner so you can upload your receipts to our system while on the trip. All pictures and receipts must be uploaded to our website within 24 hours of visit the facility. NO exceptions.
  • Reimbursement and/or compensation for any assignment(s) that you would complete during a trip or vacation are exactly the same as though you lived within a normal distance of the facility.
  • We do not typically pay any extra reimbursement or payment for mileage, tolls or any extra expenses for shoppers who travel outside of their local area to complete assignments. If you ask and receive an exception to this on a specific shop that is a one-time exception.
  • Do NOT email or call us with your upcoming travel plans. You simply need to request open assignments via your shoppers homepage. If no assignments for the area or facilities you are traveling to are listed, then there are no assignments available for that area or location.
  • Keep in mind we release most assignments on the second Friday of the month preceding the month the assignments are to be completed in. Occasionally other assignments are released at some point later in the month. ALL open assignments are always listed on the website.

To view open assignments login to your Shopper’s Homepage.

Thanks for your interest and have a safe and fun trip!

29 Years
of Service!