Contractor/Shopper Support

Our friendly project coordinators are just a click or phone call away.

ACTUALLY SCHEDULED for Specific Assignment & Date:

URGENT Questions / Reschedule or Cancel:

  • For immediate assistance the day before the shop, the day of the shop (including while conducting the shop), while submitting results and anytime to RESCHEDULE or CANCEL any shop at any point for any reason, please CALL: 800-362-9946, option 5 (urgent issues).  For questions inputting the results or uploading receipts choose option 4 (technical support).  If you reach voicemail be sure to leave a message.  Someone will return the call ASAP if necessary. We monitor the phones 9am-11pm Eastern Time every day (7 days a week).
  • We also offer support through LIVE CHAT via THIS LINK or once signed into the Shoppers Suite via your Shopper’s Homepage typically 9am-7pm Eastern Time Mon-Fri and 9am-5pm Eastern Time Sat & Sun).
  • In the event the 800 number does not work (ring through), please call 720-938-3594 (emergency only).
  • Failure to CALL or use LIVE CHAT to cancel or reschedule an assignment may result in removal from our system.

Non-Urgent Questions:

  • LIVE CHAT:  We encourage the use of our LIVE CHAT via THIS LINK as we can provide quicker better support that way.  You can also access Live Chat via the Blue “Questions?” Bubble found on the login page and on the Shopper’s Homepage and most pages inside the Shoppers Suite once logged in typically 9am-7pm Eastern Time Mon-Fri and 9am-5pm Eastern Time Sat & Sun).
  • Email:  You can also Email the scheduler listed on your instructions or other communication. You can view the instructions via the link on your Shopper’s Homepage. If you cannot find the address then email:

Submitting Results:

  • Submitting Results: Click on the Submit Results link listed in the appropriate assignment on your Shopper’s Homepage.


  • Receipts must be uploaded, they cannot be emailed or faxed. To upload receipts go to your Shopper’s Homepage and click on the link in the Manage Receipt/Picture Uploads column. This will take you to the Uploads screen where you can upload your receipts. If you cannot scan or take a digital picture of your receipts for uploading please see the following FAQ: What if I can’t scan or take a digital picture of my receipts?

Payments / Post Shop Tickets:

  • Check your Shopper’s Homepage to see the status of the assignment. Payments are processed via PayPal in 21-28 days from when the report is first submitted.  Post Tickets are processed in 21-28 days of receiving results and receipts.  If you still have a question contact:


Please do NOT call unless you have an urgent question regarding an assignment you are scheduled to complete. We can typically provide immediate assistance on LIVE CHAT via THIS LINK and have prompt response times via email and will address your question in a timely manner.

29 Years
of Service!