Mystery Shop Analysis Reports

Get insight and analysis on your data.

Performance Analysis Reports provides insight on a series of mystery shopping reports.

POCIn 2011, Amusement Advantage forged an exclusive partnership with Matt Heller of Performance Optimist Consulting to provide insight and analysis of Mystery Shopping results through Performance/Summary Analysis ReportsAdditional consulting services also offered through this collaboration are Staff Training & Development and Leadership Training or Coaching sessions to address issues identified.  These comprehensive solutions provide the tools needed to gain a competitive advantage.

Step 1-Measurement:  A custom Mystery Shopping program is created combining industry standard criteria and attraction specific parameters.  On-site visits are executed by mystery shopping professionals who represent each location’s actual customer target market.  Detailed feedback and observations are provided via an extensive written report within 48-72 hours of the actual visit.

Step 2-Analysis:  In depth Performance/Summary Analysis Reports are prepared based upon a series of Mystery Shopping reports.  These reports highlight trends and patterns in employee behavior along with providing employee development suggestions and potential leadership engagement strategies.  The reports can also provide insight regarding guest perceptions and moments of truth from their experience.  An introductory 30-minute pre-analysis call is conducted with appropriate members of the attraction’s leadership team to understand the organization’s expectations.  A post-analysis follow-up call is also conducted to answer questions or clarify statements made in the reports.

Reports include:

  • In-depth analysis of mystery shopping reports, including overall strengths and areas of opportunity.
  • Outline of employee rankings and behavioral trends, both positive and negative
  • Recommendations based on report findings

The number of reports we analyze is up to you and your needs

  • Analysis of 3-5 mystery shopping reports can be used to identify trends with current staff and can be used to initiate timely solutions
  • Analysis of all reports from one season can help identify larger trends that can be addressed in the off season to establish long term process improvements

Click here to View Sample

Step 3-Action:  Training and Coaching – Click here for Details

Book for web V1Matt Heller has spent 25 years in the attractions industry, spending time in both operations and human resources. He has had the pleasure of holding leadership positions at Canobie Lake Park, Knott’s Camp Snoopy, Valleyfair, Smiles Entertainment Center and Universal Orlando Resort. In 2011, Matt created his own leadership development consulting company, Performance Optimist Consulting, where he now gets to help leaders from all over the industry make sure they are getting the most out of themselves and their teams.

In 2013, Matt released his first book, entitled, “The Myth of Employee Burnout”. In it, he outlines his quest to find out what truly causes employees to lose motivation and what leaders can do to overcome it. Order Now!

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