
dreamstime_tigerWe have implemented programs at over 40 zoos all across the US. This includes locations in large and small markets. Amusement Advantage has extensive experience conducting mystery shopping programs at zoos, working both directly with the zoo themselves and with 2nd and third party vendors and subcontractors within the zoos. We are well versed at overcoming the various challenges associated with these unique environments such as varying staff levels, changing presentation times and seasonal exhibits and services. We train our shoppers on proven techniques for engaging employees at presentations and habitats to properly evaluate their customer service skills. We also offer guidance as to how to deal with inclement weather. A typical zoo evaluation is approximately 8-10 pages long. Here is a list of areas covered on a typical evaluation:

Phone Call
Admissions Box Office
Admission Cashier
Gate Attendant
Guest Rel./Memb. Lobby Area
Guest Relations Desk Staff
Membership Desk Staff
Wagon Rental
Wagon Rental Team Member
Animal Presentation / Show #1
Animal Presentation #1 Trainer
Animal Presentation / Show #2
Animal Presentation #2 Trainer
Animal Exhibits
Special Exhibit Area
Tropical Discovery Area
Lorikeet Adventure Exhibit
Food Service
Food Service Team Member
Food Ordered
Train / Carousel Area
Ride Tickets Team Member
Train Operator
Train Ride
Carousel Operator
Gift Shop
Gift Shop Team Member
Security Team Member
Most Memorable
Outstanding Team Member

To view a sample completed report from a zoo click here.

29 Years
of Service!