Science Centers / Museums

Dinosaur bones IstockWe have implemented programs at over 10 different Science Centers and Museums. We have worked with locations all across the US and Canada. We have extensive experience creating custom evaluation forms that cover your specific centers exhibits, attractions and operations. We are well versed at overcoming the various challenges associated such as varying staff levels, rotating staff, varying presentation times and changing exhibit options. We train our shoppers on proven techniques for engaging employees at presentations and exhibits to properly evaluate their customer service skills. We equip them with techniques for reading nametags at locations where this can be difficult. We also offer guidance as to how to deal with planning their day to ensure all areas are evaluated.

An average evaluation is approximately 10-12 pages long. Here is a list of sample areas covered on a typical evaluation:

Info Desk Phone Call
Ticket Counter
Admissions Team Member
Member Services Desk
Information Booth
Ticket Taker
Space Odyssey Volunteer
Expedition Health Greeter
Expedition Health Volunteer
Discovery Zone Area
Discovery Zone Staff or Volunteer
IMAX Theater
Prehistoric Journey Volunteer
Traveling Exhibit Ticket Taker
Audio Tour Team Member
Traveling Exhibit Volunteer
Audio Tour
Scheduled Education Program
T-Rex Café Area
Café Food Prep Team Member
Café Cashier
Café Food
Food Ordered
Grab N Go Food Area
Grab N Go Cashier
Gift Shop
Gift Shop Staff
Security Team Member
Wayfinding & Schedules
Permanent Exhibits
Most Memorable
Outstanding Team Member


To view a sample completed report from a Science Center / Museum click here.


Proud Member:


29 Years
of Service!