Family Entertainment Centers

Go Cart GirlWe have implemented programs at over 75 different entertainment and fun centers of all types including Children’s entertainment centers, laser tag centers and mini golf centers. We have worked with locations all across the US and Canada including locations in large and small markets. Amusement Advantage is also utilized by IAAPA’s FEC Committee as part of the selection process for the annual Top FEC’s of the World Brass Ring Awards. We are experts at creating custom evaluation forms that cover your specific center operations. We are well versed at overcoming the various challenges associated such as varying staff levels, rotating staff, seasonal attractions and inclement weather. We train our shoppers on proven techniques for engaging employees at rides and attractions to properly evaluate their customer service skills. We equip them with techniques for reading nametags at locations where this can be difficult. We also offer guidance as to how to deal with inclement weather.

A Family Entertainment Center evaluation is approximately 8-10 pages long. Here is a list of sample areas covered on a typical evaluation:

Phone Call
Attraction Ticket Sales
Ticket Sales Team Member
Food Service Area
Food Service Team Member
Food Ordered
Attraction #1
Attraction #1 Team Member
Attraction #2
Attraction #2 Team Member
Attraction #3
Attraction #3 Team Member
Attraction #4
Attraction #4 Team Member
Arcade Area
Prize Center
Prize Center Team Member
Managers / Supervisors
Team Member Appearance
Most Memorable
Outstanding Team Member


To view a sample completed report from a Family Entertainment Center click here.

Proud provider of mystery shopping services to the selection committee for:


29 Years
of Service!